Optimal life performance for all, through breathwork


Why Breathwork?

Breathing influences every major system in the body. If our breathing is dysfunctional, we will be negatively impacting a wide range of our bodies critical systems.


Our breathing patterns can be trained to become healthy.

SFH Breathwork programs can help you yield benefits in the following areas:


Whether you are a sports professional, amateur athlete, or someone who is generally interested in fitness and performance, breathwork training is essential to maximising your potential.


If you want to improve your focus, concentration, and attention span, you first need to improve your sleep. Breathwork can significantly improve the quality of your sleep and in turn help you develop and sharpen cognitive functions which are essential for success.


Your emotional state and levels of stress can be directly influenced through the practise of breathing exercises. Breathwork can reduce stress and inflammation, mitigate long-term illness, and prime our body for better long-term health.


Hi, I’m Harsha, an Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor and XPT Performance Breathing Coach, and founder of SFH Breathwork.

I love how simple and yet powerful Breathwork can be. It can have a profound impact on your emotional wellbeing, your ability to think clearly and make good decisions, and how you move and perform to your bodies maximum potential.

I started SFH Breathwork to help people realise their maximum potential in sports, sharpen their focus and concentration, and improve their general health and wellbeing through Breathwork.

What clients are saying

  Through practicing the simple yet scientifically proven breathing techniques that I teach, you can take responsibility for your own health and realize your full potential.